If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Monday, March 18, 2013

FO: Another Ornament

The Advent Garland I've been working on has a lot of really good patterns. I am working my way through them one by one. But I've decided to replace the snowflake pattern with a different snowflake. This one just appeals to me a little more.

It's the Boreas Snowflake pattern by Caitlin Sainio, which appears in 100 Snowflakes to Crochet: Make Your Own Snowdrift--To Give or To Keep.

It's a crochet pattern, and I'm not a super fantastic crocheter (although I learned to crochet many years before I learned to knit), but I had no trouble making this. It's actually given me some confidence to try some other crochet snowflakes.

This is made from some Patons Brilliant in White Twinkle. I had a small ball left over from M's prom shawl from a few years back. I wish I had more of this yarn. I'd make a whole snowstorm of these.

Another good thing about this snowflake is that it gives me the opportunity to play with my Stiffy.

This stiffy. What were you thinking of?


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