I’m Obsessed With Train Wrecks Lately

Like this whole Jesse James thing. He checked himself into a facility to treat sex addiction? Seriously? I thought he couldn’t get lower.
Don’t get me wrong. I think there is such a thing as true sex addiction. Happens with people who were sexually abused as children or abandoned. They literally cannot control the behavior that disgusts them. They do it because they have been damaged emotionally.
Not because they are horny.

Come on, people. Shouldn’t you be able to trust your spouse not to drop trou every time you turn your back?
And Tiger? Now he’s telling some kind of story about being tied to a tree? Didn’t I see this in a movie? I mean, really. (He claims sex addiction, too, by the way. I think he’s addicted to attention.)
Kinda like Lilo. Poor Lilo. She’s just not good at it, really. Falling down drunk? Stalking your ex? Fighting with your dad in a highly publicized Twitter spat? Going broke? Pffft. Everybody does that crap. Come on, Lindsey. Show some commitment. Shave your head. Beat someone up with an umbrella. Lock yourself in a bathroom with a child.

Britney… where are you, girlfriend?
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