Twisty Cat Toy & Cat O' Mine Tails

For whatever reason, I didn't get around to going to HD to get dowel rods until last weekend. And then, I didn't get around to hot gluing the toys to the dowel rods until tonight. The point is, I did get around to doing it and I did make some pretty cute cat toys.
This first one is the Twisty Cat Toy, which I could've sworn I got from Ravelry, but now I can't find it. It's one of those that you don't even print the pattern off because it's such a simple pattern repeat you can remember it pretty easily. And quick. This is a quick crochet. Even for me.(Yes, I actually crocheted. See? I can do it.) I used some scrap yarn that I don't even have the label for any more, but I happen to know is Caron Dazzleaire.

CAT O' MINE TAILS PATTERN (such as it is)
-Basically, you make a chain of 6, then SC in 2nd stitch from hook, SC in next 3, then 3 SC in last stitch (which takes you around the corner) and then you SC in the other side of the next 3 stitches, 2 SC's in the end stitch.
-Then, Slip Stitch to the top of the first SC, pull the yarn through and leave a long tail.
-So what you end up with is an oval shape on a string. Make as many of these as you want. I made 6 and I cut the tail yarn at slightly different lengths.
-Then I tied these to the end of a dowel rod and used some hot glue to make sure they stayed put.

Boom. Cat O' Mine Tails. They seem to like it.
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