Crap! I’m Always On The Tail End Of Everything!

Apparently blogging is no longer cool. At least not with young people. What’s that? I’m not a young person you say? Somehow that hurts more than not being cool.
At any rate, I found the article interesting, at least. It blames/attributes the increased use of social networking sites like
Said the person who rambles on in every post…
But, unlike some people, I don’t ramble about everything. Do you have those friends?
“Jane Doe is rolling out of bed right now. Late for work again.”
“Jane Doe needs a shower before coffee.”
“Jane Doe has decided to have coffee before the shower.”
“Jane Doe can’t decide what to wear. So late for work!”

“Jane Doe hopes traffic will be okay, since she is late for work.”
Really, Jane. Maybe if you spent a little less time on FB you wouldn’t be so damned late?
True story… Jane once posted about sharting in her pants. TMI, Jane.
Not that I didn’t laugh my ass off about that, of course. But, then, I do have the sense of humor of a sixth grader.
Anyway, I have no plans to quit blogging. In case you were worried. Thought I should calm you down. I will just have to resign myself to not being cool.
Ah. Who am I kidding? I’m cool.
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