I Don't Wanna Talk About It
Obviously, I'm a little upset about the game yesterday. So I don't really want to talk about that.
What I do want to talk about is the halftime show. Now, let me say... I like The Who. And this is music from my g-g-generation, you know. But The Who have not had a hit since 1985.
Let me put that into perspective for you. Their last hit was before either of my kids were born. Before I graduated college. Again, love The Who, but seriously. What would be wrong with Black Eyed Peas? Or even Carrie Underwood (who did a good job on the National Anthem, I must say, even though I'm not a Carrie fan at all).
I guess the network and the NFL figured The Who was a safe choice. Roger Daltrey isn't likely to have a wardrobe malfunction, after all.(But seriously, if I were The Who, I'd be really pissed about that. Doesn't that go against everything they've ever stood for? They're safe?)
Ew. Just gave myself a visual on that wardrobe malfunction.
And Pete Townshend... Well, okay. He can still play. But remember when he used to flip that guitar up in the air and catch it? Remember when Roger Daltrey used to swing the mic around?
I don't know. It just seemed... old. It made me feel old. And even though the light show was spectacular, and Roger Daltrey didn't struggle too much with the vocals (I'm not criticizing... I'm just saying), and Pete Townshend did his signature windmills, when I tried to explain to someone today who The Who were are, I had to say "The guys that do the CSI theme songs."
Oh, and the commercials sucked. All except for Betty White, who is seventeen different kinds of awesome.
What I do want to talk about is the halftime show. Now, let me say... I like The Who. And this is music from my g-g-generation, you know. But The Who have not had a hit since 1985.
Let me put that into perspective for you. Their last hit was before either of my kids were born. Before I graduated college. Again, love The Who, but seriously. What would be wrong with Black Eyed Peas? Or even Carrie Underwood (who did a good job on the National Anthem, I must say, even though I'm not a Carrie fan at all).

Ew. Just gave myself a visual on that wardrobe malfunction.
And Pete Townshend... Well, okay. He can still play. But remember when he used to flip that guitar up in the air and catch it? Remember when Roger Daltrey used to swing the mic around?

Oh, and the commercials sucked. All except for Betty White, who is seventeen different kinds of awesome.
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