A Warmer Climate

We were in Nashville, TN, last weekend and Monday on a business trip. What fun! First of all, I love how it just keeps getting warmer the further south you go. Monday I walked around with no coat. In December. How much do you love that?
Returned home to learn there had been snow here. Today it was 10 degrees when I left the house. I know it’s winter, but come on! I’ve got to move someplace warm. Seriously. And what kills me is how this place just shuts down every time there’s a little powder of snow. Come on, people. It’s Indiana. It snows every year. You know this.
Anyway, besides how cool it was to actually go and meet with everyone in person, (and besides how much I approve of warm weather in December) here are some interesting things that happened on the trip:

Got to see my all time favorite sign in the world. I know. I’m so immature, but it makes me laugh every time.

Got to eat at the hotel breakfast buffet. I seriously love breakfast buffets. (It’s a thing.) This is the Christmas tree in their lobby. I have no idea why my arms are like that. I didn’t realize I was doing it, actually. I hope I don’t unconsciously do that all the time.
Oh, and when we stopped at Taco Bell in Bowling Green, Kentucky, I happened to see this:

I wasn’t going to say anything, but you know how T is my enabler. He insisted we stop so that I could browse yarn and buy to my heart’s content. Okay, not that last part. But he did say “Yeah, we could spare the time to take a look, if you want.”
But, oh no…

Closed. (And only 20 minutes before!)
And look at all the yarn inside… calling to me… taunting me…
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