If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

The Zen Of Knitting

Just kidding. There is no zen. Not in December, at least. December is marked by breakneck, sweatshop-style, on-a-deadline knitting.

It's Crazytown all up in here. For realz.

On an related unrelated note, I reopened the Booze Hag Brewery this weekend. A batch of Limoncello (and let me just say, zesting 10 lemons is not as easy as Rachel Ray would have you believe) and, of course, a batch of my fave Amaretto.

What's funny is that, as much as I will enjoy testing these liqueurs, I enjoyed making them more. And as much as I enjoyed making them, I enjoyed creating the label more.


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