Tales From Patwoman’s Mailbag

We haven’t done this in a while, so I thought I’d open up the ol’ mailbag and answer some of your burning questions.
Dear Patwoman,
Have you been back to the LYS that just opened near your house? That seems like a great opportunity for you.
Gentle Reader,
Sadly, I haven’t. It’s really a combination of things. I have been crazy busy

Dear Patwoman,
Where will you be when the Zombie Apocalypse begins?
Gentle Reader,
Feel free to join me in the Arctic Circle. You know that normally I fear the lawlessness of the Isolated North, but in this case, I’m willing to trade that for the relative safety of dead flesh not being able to locomote much when it is frozen solid. You may also join me as I double tap each of those zombie-popsicles so we don’t have to worry about a sudden thaw.
Dear Patwoman,
You haven’t talked about Adam West in a while. Did the two of you break up?
Gentle Reader,

Dear Patwoman,
Any progress on procuring a robot companion?
Gentle Reader,
Not as much as I would like.
Dear Patwoman,
I notice sometimes you write forever about nothing, and other times you barely say a word on a subject. It seems like, the more someone might be interested in something, the less you say. Why do you do that?
Gentle Reader,
I don’t know.
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