Oh Tarn It!
Especially old T-shirts. Look, since leaving the real world and working for my own self, 90% of my wardrobe is made up of T-shirts. And since I wear them almost all the time, some of them are starting to look "not so good." But I pulled out a huge stack of these less than good shirts from my side and T's side of the closet. I can't just throw away 20 shirts. That just seems wrong.
But, you know, no one is going to want these shirts. So I can't donate them, either. I decided to cut them up to make tarn.
Here are just a couple of the shirts I've done so far. As you can see, this tarn is not super pretty. It's not exactly cut (I did it pretty quickly), and it's not a beautiful color (although, I suppose it could be dyed). But I think I will use this tarn to make a rug for my entryway. And I think it's just fine for a rug.
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