If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St. Patrick's Day

What's that expression? Everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day? Why? Because we all wear green? And drink? I'm pretty sure that's going to be offensive to the people from Ireland.

But still, I actually do have Irish heritage. It's kind of funny, because my mom had always told us we were English, Irish, Cherokee. But, just a cursory examination of my family tree shows lots of different branches from all over the world. Basically, I think the game plan with my family was to travel to another country and make babies there.

There are strong Irish ties, though. Several of the known members of my family tree are from Ireland. Some day, I'd like to research that a little further.

I'd like to visit Ireland, too. There is such a history in Europe, with its castles and forts, old cities, and monuments. I suspect that those of you who are European don't realize the impact such history has on someone like me, from a relatively new country. (When we visited St. Augustine in Florida, they claimed to be the oldest city in the US. It was established aroudn 1565. A mere baby, compared to European cities.)

Someday I will go. (If I can force myself to get on a plane that goes over an ocean.) Until then, I will just have to make do with Irish Fest in Septeber.


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