Robot Armageddon

So I thought, I’ve talked about Robot Armageddon the last few days. I’d better not talk about it again. Sometimes that kinda scares people. (Except M and I were talking over dinner yesterday and somehow we got on the subject of Robot Armageddon—okay, I brought it up—and M says “Oh, yeah. That’s totally going to happen. The first time we build a robot smarter than us and it builds one smarter than itself, we’re history.”)
Doncha just love her?
But then, later that night I was watching the Science Channel as I was knitting a hat for M(You know what a science junkie I am and how I am continually knitting stuff for M) and what do you think is on TV?
Robot Armageddon.
Well, okay. Not Robot Armageddon, but robots, for sure. There were a couple of very interesting programs. Interesting all around. You know, A) because they were shows about robots and robot intelligence and cybernetic parts in humans and such and B) I’ve been blogging about robots for a couple of days and C) M and I just had that big discussion about it.
I think it’s cool when that happens. (When you think about something and then it happens.)

Never mind that Science Channel had their programming lineup months ago. For all you know, my thinking about robots caused that to happen in the past. What? Are you some kind of quantum physicist? No? Well, then.

Anyway. Here is the hat I worked on. This is one of the Joann Sensations yarns. It’s Pacaboo in Charcoal/Black Print. We were at Joann and M thought this yarn reminded her of Zeus and somehow two skeins of it fell into my basket. It’s 50% wool, 25% alpaca, 25% rayon bamboo, so it has a pretty interesting soft-but-crunchy hand to it. Knits up looking like boucle, without all the OMG-I’m-going-to-kill-someone-if-my-needle-gets-caught-in-this-boucle-again!
This is the Super Easy & Fast Hand-Knit Chunky Beret pattern from Crazy Aunt Pearl. It’s easy enough to do while watching tv and looks nice. I used the (faster) K2 decreases she used since this yarn is so boucle-y, but I would probably (slower) pair the decreases if I were using a smoother yarn. (So, you know I’m only going to knit this in a non-smooth yarn.) I’ve got a matching scarf on the needles, with the skein and a half left over.
Wonder what’s on the Science Channel tonight?
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