If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Once Again, Science Imitates Art

You would think scientists could come up with something a little more original. But no. In all the galaxy, they found GJ1214b.

GJ1214b, in case you didn’t know, is about the same size as Earth. It is about 40 light years away. And it orbits a red sun. Like we don’t know what’s coming next.

Hey scientists… Please don’t look for LV-426, okay?


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