Clocks, Cats, And Sweet, Sweet Revenge

I just learned that.
And today, at 10:00 am EST, the New York Academy of Sciences is going to make an announcement and you can actually see whether the hands of the clock go forward or back. We’re at five minutes until midnight, btw, right now.

Speaking of TV, I have been watching the Life After People series on the History Channel. It’s interesting, if a tad sensational. I’d like to know, for instance, why a major city like Chicago is basically burned to the ground within a week of people being gone. And why are there so many tidal waves and earthquakes right after the people disappear? It’s not like humans have any effect on that.
Anyway, the other night’s episode touched on the Vatican. Apparently, only a week after all the people on earth are gone (as wolves attack flocks of sheep elsewhere in the world and zoo animals everywhere all escape for some reason…makes you wonder why they don’t do that now, if it only takes them a week to figure out the locking mechanisms, hm?) the Vatican is going to be overrun with black cats.
What irony, considering how the Church has treated felines in the past. Pope Innocent VIII actually outlawed black cats, convinced they were demonic minions. The Inquisition often burned cats with their owners. (Apparently, if they cry out while they are being burned, they're demonic.) And Vatican City sanctioned several cat-kills over the centuries.

Oh, sweet justice.
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