If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

But Really, How Often Is The Weatherman Right?

The big talk around here is the snow we are supposed to get tonight. We’ve not had any real snow this season. Nothing to speak of, really. But then, the weatherman said 2-4” inches. And then upped it to 4-6”. And now they are saying 6-8”. So people are getting really excited.

Hey, people. They don’t give you snow days when you’re an adult. Lots of snow just means lots of assholes on the road and lots of frustrations trying to get to work. Especially since the heavy part of this snow storm is supposed to hit during morning drive.

Last year it snowed really hard during morning drive time and I was over an hour late to work. My morning adventures included not being able to see further than the red tail lights of the car in front of me (and believe me, if that car would’ve gone into a ditch, I would’ve followed it), traffic moving at 10-15 mph, my wipers icing up (and causing me to take a guess as to where it was safe to pull off the road and take care of them) three times, my driver side wiper eventually falling off, missing the turn to my office and not knowing it (did I mention it was snowing so hard I couldn’t see?) until a mile and a half later.

Yeah, it’s funny now, isn’t it?

Still, I wouldn’t be opposed to a snow day. Even if I am working from home, I could bump up the heat when I got cold. Unlike my office, which has a regulated temperature. Seriously? You really have to bolt a protective cover over the thermostat?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great resource!

1:26 AM  

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