Exterminate! Exterminate! (Not Extermininate)

I wanted to do something Dr. Who for R, since he is a big fan. But I didn't want to do the typical million-miles-long Fourth Doctor scarf that everyone does. (Besides, I did one of those for a friend back in the 80's when the Fourth Doctor was the Doctor.)But it is my tradition to make a scarf of some sort, so...

I remember seeing a scarf a while back on Craftster that I thought I might do. But the Daleks are turned the wrong way (long side of Dalek on long side of the scarf) and I had in mind that the Daleks would be converging upon the wearer (long side of Dalek on the short side of the scarf, get it?). Also, the Craftster scarf used bobbles, I think, on the Daleks. And that's a neat idea, but I didn't really want to do bobbles.

And that went fine, until the night I knit EXTERMININATE. Yes. And didn't notice it for about six inches.
I made up several new swear words that night as I frogged back.
This is double thick, because I didn't want it to have that messy wrong-side that you get with stranded knitting. So the back side is plain black. And it is very warm.
R was very pleased with this, and so was I.

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