Blah Blah Blocking

It’s always the finishing work that gets me. I knit a scarf and wait to block it or weave in the ends. I knit a sweater and put all the pieces in the knitting bag instead of seaming them together.
What is that? Is that some kind of attention span problem? Or is it my subconscious saying I don’t have to do things in the proper order. I do what I want. I break the rules.
Meh. It’s probably just because I enjoy the knitting more than the finishing. Because I think I’m pretty focused and don’t seem to have any problem with sticking to bigger, longer projects. And I tend to be pretty much a rule-breaker only in my fantasy life.

Know those tests… What Alignment Are You? I’m Lawful Neutral.
Anyway, I’m just getting to blocking this Not Entirely Entrelac for Sharon (R’s gf), for Christmas. I like the way it looks, all flat like this. This picture, taken on my camera camera (as opposed to my cell phone camera) is a little more true to color. Which is important, because the thing that attracted me to this yarn in the first place was the color.

I also made matching mittens to go with them. These are Cozy Thermal Mittens, knitted in the same LB Amazing yarn. The scarf took about 2 skeins. The mittens, less than one for both. I used #5 dpns. Went pretty quickly.
I am changing my mind about bamboo /wood needles, but only for dpns. Don’t misunderstand, though. I still hate the feel of wood sliding against wood. (Yeee-ugh! I hate the thought of the feel of wood sliding against wood. Almost as much as the thought of wood—like a popsicle stick—sliding against your teeth.) But, I also hate having my aluminum needles slide out of those stitches. And I hate having to make up forty new swear words to describe my frustration.
Just kidding. You know that’s the part I really enjoy.
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