Gonna Wash That Robot Right Outta... Oh Wait A Minute...

You know I love all things robot, right? (Well not scary fire-breathing death robots. And not Terminator-kill-all-the-humans robots. And not those things at Chuck E Cheese. Not those robots. But all the others.) So when I read about this robot, who washes hair, I was very interested.
Basically, this is like the hair washing station at the salon. Except you don’t have to make awkward conversation. (Seriously. Who are you kidding? I can’t hear you over the water running over my ears and you can’t hear me because of the water splatting off my head and the sink.)
But I like the idea of a robot hair washer. Hell, I’d be okay with a robot body washer. That might save some time in the morning, since I always have to stand under the water for several minutes until I’m awake enough to begin showering. A robot could get started right away. Then maybe I wouldn’t have to road rage so much on the way to work.
Yeah right. That’s one of my few true pleasures, shouting toxic, yet humorous, oaths at strangers.
But wouldn’t it be cool to have other robotic luxuries? Like the little robot in The Fifth Element that cleans up Gary Oldman’s mess? You could keep it in the kitchen and when you dropped food, it would zoom in and suck it up before you—oh wait. I have something that does that already.

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