Restless Leg Syndrome
I think I have Restless Leg Syndrome.
That's not the start to a joke. That's me just finally figuring some things out. Like, I can never get my legs comfortable when I'm trying to go to sleep. They always feel like they're almost there, almost comfortable, if I can only move them just... a... little... b-- Arrgh! That's too far. Now they're uncomfortable again.
It doesn't wake me up at night, but it does make it very hard to go to sleep.
I was telling someone about this they other day and their response was, "What? It just suddenly happened?" So I thought about it, and no. It's been like this for a long time. I was just not really paying attention to it before. I thought I just couldn't get comfortable. (Which, by the way, is a real issue. My bed is not really confortable any more to any part of my body and I'd like to replace it. But, this leg thing is something separate from that.)
And then, for a couple of months now, I've been getting these "purrs" in my right thigh. Like my phone is vibrating in my pocket. But my phone's not there. I thought that might be some kind of "phantom pocket vibration sensation." (No, that's real. And it's not the good kind, either.) I've been reading about how people in the age of cell phones get these phantom vibrations, even when they are not carrying their phone. It's apparently a real thing. Not bothersome. Just interesting.

But now, for the last couple of weeks, my whole right leg gets goosebumps. Like every 20 minutes for 30 seconds, my right leg from my hip to my ankle is covered in goosebumps. Feels like a million tiny ants are crawling over my leg.
Whoops. That was a horrible thought. I wish that image hadn't popped into my head.
Anyway. So, as I'm researching (and by researching you know I mean losing myself in an internet safari) RLS, I'm just solidifying my opinion. Like, I've read that it may be hereditary because there are usually multiple family members with the same issue. And I remember my mom had very similar issues trying to get her leg comfortable enough to go to sleep. Of course, she assumed it was some damage from when she broke her leg many years before.
Also, some sites suggest that people who have this issue exhibit some symptoms in childhood and puberty as well, but that these symptoms are passed off as "growing pains." And I remember I got them a lot. A lot.
Interesting. I may take this up with my doctor and see what he/she has to say. Oh yeah, that's right. My doctor left her practice after the birth of her child and I need to find a new one.
Hey. Who knows of a good doctor in the Indianapolis area?
That's not the start to a joke. That's me just finally figuring some things out. Like, I can never get my legs comfortable when I'm trying to go to sleep. They always feel like they're almost there, almost comfortable, if I can only move them just... a... little... b-- Arrgh! That's too far. Now they're uncomfortable again.
It doesn't wake me up at night, but it does make it very hard to go to sleep.
I was telling someone about this they other day and their response was, "What? It just suddenly happened?" So I thought about it, and no. It's been like this for a long time. I was just not really paying attention to it before. I thought I just couldn't get comfortable. (Which, by the way, is a real issue. My bed is not really confortable any more to any part of my body and I'd like to replace it. But, this leg thing is something separate from that.)
And then, for a couple of months now, I've been getting these "purrs" in my right thigh. Like my phone is vibrating in my pocket. But my phone's not there. I thought that might be some kind of "phantom pocket vibration sensation." (No, that's real. And it's not the good kind, either.) I've been reading about how people in the age of cell phones get these phantom vibrations, even when they are not carrying their phone. It's apparently a real thing. Not bothersome. Just interesting.

But now, for the last couple of weeks, my whole right leg gets goosebumps. Like every 20 minutes for 30 seconds, my right leg from my hip to my ankle is covered in goosebumps. Feels like a million tiny ants are crawling over my leg.
Whoops. That was a horrible thought. I wish that image hadn't popped into my head.
Anyway. So, as I'm researching (and by researching you know I mean losing myself in an internet safari) RLS, I'm just solidifying my opinion. Like, I've read that it may be hereditary because there are usually multiple family members with the same issue. And I remember my mom had very similar issues trying to get her leg comfortable enough to go to sleep. Of course, she assumed it was some damage from when she broke her leg many years before.
Also, some sites suggest that people who have this issue exhibit some symptoms in childhood and puberty as well, but that these symptoms are passed off as "growing pains." And I remember I got them a lot. A lot.
Interesting. I may take this up with my doctor and see what he/she has to say. Oh yeah, that's right. My doctor left her practice after the birth of her child and I need to find a new one.
Hey. Who knows of a good doctor in the Indianapolis area?
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