Should We Talk About Christmas?
Yes, I did some Christmas knitting. Even though I said I wasn't going to. Even though it stresses me out. Even though I've not had much luck in the past--gifts not appreciated, rejected, etc. (Remember my dad's "I don't want this" and my older bro's scathing letter about leaving a gift on his porch?)
But I never learn.
So, you've already seen the hat/scarf/glittens I did for M:

And the Cthulhu hat I did for R:

I also did a couple of these. This one is a purple color, for J. It's Moda Dea Tweedle Dee in Blackberry Heather. 
I also did this one for K in Blue Heather. Love that yarn. It "paints" really nicely and is softer than 100% wool. The pattern is a mutation of this one. I say mutation because I had to adjust for guage. The pattern for both scarves is basically a K2, P1 on every row.
I also used Tweedle Dee in Cinnamon Twist(what can I say? Tweedle Dee was on sale.) for Blamey's gift. This is a Beret pattern I got here. Scarf is a drop stitch/double drop stitch, separated by garter. It kinda matches the hat. I also brewed up some liqueurs under my own "Booze Hag Brewery" label. Tasty and toasty!
Did Reasonably Hip for M's reasonably hip bf, E:

Notice he wears it at a jaunty angle?
And this one, for A. It's binary. It says it's A's hat.
(My pattern.)
And, finally, this blankie for General Nuisance, which I think you've seen before. Done on those sexy size 50s! GenGen was very pleased.
But I never learn.
So, you've already seen the hat/scarf/glittens I did for M:

And the Cthulhu hat I did for R:

I also did this one for K in Blue Heather. Love that yarn. It "paints" really nicely and is softer than 100% wool. The pattern is a mutation of this one. I say mutation because I had to adjust for guage. The pattern for both scarves is basically a K2, P1 on every row.

Did Reasonably Hip for M's reasonably hip bf, E:

Notice he wears it at a jaunty angle?
And this one, for A. It's binary. It says it's A's hat.

And, finally, this blankie for General Nuisance, which I think you've seen before. Done on those sexy size 50s! GenGen was very pleased.

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