So How's That Baby Sweater Going, Patwoman?
Oh, I'm so glad you asked.
First, let me say that it seems to take longer to knit a baby sweater than it used to. Maybe that's because I'm a little out of practice? Or maybe because I've been Sick (You notice I capitalized sick? That's how sick I've been.) and haven't been able tosit down stay sitting down for extended periods of time.
And what is it with these stupid stomach viruses, any way? (Virusi? You'd think 4 years of Latin would kick in there.) Didn't I just have this same stupid stomach thing two weeks ago? It's cost me two sick days from work! I did not want to use my sick days on being sick! And do you think I like projectile vomiting? Without the supermodel benefit? WTF?
Anyway, I used to knit these kinds of sweaters all the time for R and M when they were babies. You knit them all in one piece, up the back and down the front. Then you seam the sides and sleeves. (I should dig one of those out and post a pic.) Not the most form-fitting of sweaters, but you know, they were babies and were okay with it.

So my niece has a baby shower on the 28th, which I won't be attending, because that's M's birthday and it would be an all day trip to drive there. But I wanted to send her something nice. So I decided to do a custom baby sweater. Now, I know her hubby is a Trekkie. So, what could be better than a Baby Star Fleet Sweater?
It's a red uniform, which, I know, is usually reserved for the crewmen with no name. But it is also the color of command. I will, of course, be adding the captain's insignia's to the collar.
The rough part was charting the thing. Maybe because I'm sick and unfocused, who knows? But, once I started, it went quickly. I will most likely finish the knitting today.
Stay tuned.
First, let me say that it seems to take longer to knit a baby sweater than it used to. Maybe that's because I'm a little out of practice? Or maybe because I've been Sick (You notice I capitalized sick? That's how sick I've been.) and haven't been able to
And what is it with these stupid stomach viruses, any way? (Virusi? You'd think 4 years of Latin would kick in there.) Didn't I just have this same stupid stomach thing two weeks ago? It's cost me two sick days from work! I did not want to use my sick days on being sick! And do you think I like projectile vomiting? Without the supermodel benefit? WTF?
Anyway, I used to knit these kinds of sweaters all the time for R and M when they were babies. You knit them all in one piece, up the back and down the front. Then you seam the sides and sleeves. (I should dig one of those out and post a pic.) Not the most form-fitting of sweaters, but you know, they were babies and were okay with it.

So my niece has a baby shower on the 28th, which I won't be attending, because that's M's birthday and it would be an all day trip to drive there. But I wanted to send her something nice. So I decided to do a custom baby sweater. Now, I know her hubby is a Trekkie. So, what could be better than a Baby Star Fleet Sweater?
It's a red uniform, which, I know, is usually reserved for the crewmen with no name. But it is also the color of command. I will, of course, be adding the captain's insignia's to the collar.

Stay tuned.
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