Space Smells Like Steak And Metal

No, I'm not trying to be cryptic. This scientist guy says space smells like melted metal, fried steak, and "welding a motorbike." I love the way people do that—describe something in the most bizarre way possible.
“It tasted like peanut butter, motor oil, and Aqua Velva.”
“He was like the bastard love child of Elvis Presley, Albert Einstein, and the Hostess Twinkee Cowboy.”
“The sensation was like walking through marshmallow cream and spinach.”
I don’t know how you can say space smells like one thing or another, anyway. If there’s no air, what are you smelling? Your own breath? The inside of your helmet? Oh, who knows? I guess he could say space smells like whatever he wants.
There are very few people who could call him on it anyway.
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