Since my office moved downtown, I’ve been walking the 4 blocks or so to the Farmer’s Market every Wednesday. It’s fun. It’s a good walk, good exercise, and there are always neat things at the Market.
But I’ve begun to feel really self-conscious about carrying a plastic bag out of there. Even though they are re-used plastic bags, so it’s not like someone had to kill a plastic tree on my behalf. I just feel like I should be carrying a basket or a bag, knitted out of some natural fiber.
What’s funny is that I actually own several cloth (recycled from paper and plastic bags, btw) grocery bags that I bought for the express purpose of having reusable grocery bags. But those have all become my work bag, my gaming bag, my knitting bag, my bag-of-things-I’m-not-quite-sure-what-to-do-with bag, etc.
There are tons of great patterns out there for bags. I actually have a couple in mylist of things I’m never going to have time to knit, even though I really want to, so who the hell do I think I’m kidding? Ravelry Queue.
That’s what I’m going to do this weekend. I’m going to knit a market bag. So Wednesday, when I go to the Farmer’s Market and they start to give me a reused Meijer bag, I can say, “Please put it in my market bag.”
But I’ve begun to feel really self-conscious about carrying a plastic bag out of there. Even though they are re-used plastic bags, so it’s not like someone had to kill a plastic tree on my behalf. I just feel like I should be carrying a basket or a bag, knitted out of some natural fiber.
What’s funny is that I actually own several cloth (recycled from paper and plastic bags, btw) grocery bags that I bought for the express purpose of having reusable grocery bags. But those have all become my work bag, my gaming bag, my knitting bag, my bag-of-things-I’m-not-quite-sure-what-to-do-with bag, etc.
There are tons of great patterns out there for bags. I actually have a couple in my
That’s what I’m going to do this weekend. I’m going to knit a market bag. So Wednesday, when I go to the Farmer’s Market and they start to give me a reused Meijer bag, I can say, “Please put it in my market bag.”
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