Fecal Free Diet
I don't get ice in my soft drinks any more. It's not that I don't like a cold Dr. Pepper. Au contrere. I do. I just don't like to drink toilet water.Have you seen these stories? They're all over. Just google fecal matter in ice machines or soft drinks toilet water or poop pathogens in soda. Any combo of shit and ice, really, will get you to one of those articles. They all talk about how studies have shown that about half the soda fountains they tested had contaminated ice. How contaminated? Like, more bacteria than toilet water.
You gotta wonder:
1. Why are people not washing their hands after they poo? That's where that bacteria comes from, folks. It didn't just magically and mysteriously appear there. That's poo on your hands.
2. Is this why we see so many cases of food borne illness? Come on. Wash your hands after you go.
3. Don't all the restaurant bathrooms have those signs? Employees must wash their hands before returning to work. Surely people don't think that only applies to employees. Why are people not washing their hands?
4. If there's poo in the ice, what else is there poo in? Try not to think about that one too much. Unless you're on a diet.
5. Didn't all our mothers and kindergarten teachers ask after every trip to the bathroom... Did you wash your hands? Don't people know not washing your hands after a trip to the bathroom is... nasty?
And don't talk to me about hand sanitizer. That's not the same and you know it.
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