So I decided to organize my yarn stash/bead stash/craft area(s) this month. Okay, I didn't decide anything. I was just moving stuff around as I am looking for other stuff. The organization is purely a side effect.
Still counts though, right?Ye gods, I have a lot of yarn. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I love each and every skein like it was...er...my own. Which it
is. So good. That works out well.

Anyway, I was thinking about these crime shows on television, where someone is arrested for something and the cops go to their house to search for evidence and they always find something really shocking and weird at the residence--like fifty jars of toenail clippings or a maze of empty coffee cans. And then the cops (and the viewers) think
"Sweet God, this dude is nuts! How did no one see this obsessive behavior before?"Well, just imagine what the TV cops (and viewers) would think of
my (and
yours, I'll wager) yarn stash?
Just something to think about.
Hi! Just wanted to leave a note and say I really like your blog. I've been knitting a lot recently-- gotta make room for new yarn somehow!
I know. I've been trying to finish some UFOs. That ought to make tons of room.
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