This Post Is Rated MT/FI (Mature Themes/Frightening Images)
I just wanted to warn you so you wouldn’t be scared. I found it quite disturbing, myself.
So I was sitting at my desk, working away when I got the strangest sensation of being watched. Ever get that? You’re sitting there, minding your own business—and then, always, when you look up it’s someone really creepy watching you.
Or someone not creepy necessarily, but watching you in a very creepy way. Like while they eat a banana. (Does that creep you out, too?)
Anyway, I’m sitting there, and then I feel eyes on me, so I look up and…

It’s looking right at me!
Of course, I looked down right away. I needed to take a second to collect myself. I mean, did I see that? I couldn’t have, right? It’s some trick of the eyes, the way you see an eagle in the pattern of the floor tiles or the way you see a big ladle in the pattern of the stars. I tried to calm myself down. It’s just a chair, I told myself. It’s not like it could hurt me, right?
I stole another glance.

Oh, sweet God! Look at the size of its mouth!
I made up my mind to try and get past it. Just don’t look at it, I said to myself. Show no fear. There’s only one, anyway. I can outrun one chair.
Oh shit.

Or someone not creepy necessarily, but watching you in a very creepy way. Like while they eat a banana. (Does that creep you out, too?)
Anyway, I’m sitting there, and then I feel eyes on me, so I look up and…
It’s looking right at me!
Of course, I looked down right away. I needed to take a second to collect myself. I mean, did I see that? I couldn’t have, right? It’s some trick of the eyes, the way you see an eagle in the pattern of the floor tiles or the way you see a big ladle in the pattern of the stars. I tried to calm myself down. It’s just a chair, I told myself. It’s not like it could hurt me, right?
I stole another glance.
Oh, sweet God! Look at the size of its mouth!
I made up my mind to try and get past it. Just don’t look at it, I said to myself. Show no fear. There’s only one, anyway. I can outrun one chair.
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