The One Where Patwoman Has Chest Pains And Ends Up In The ER

Listen to the state of denial I was in. I looked at the clock, thought "Oh, well it's almost time to go, anyway." And then I washed out my coffee cup and closed all my computer windows and cleared off my desk.
The whole time I'm doing that, my coworkers are saying "Are you okay? You look terrible." Eventually, I decide to leave at 4:55 instead of running out the clock. By this time I am feeling so bad I can barely breathe and apparently looking so bad that two people offered to walk me downstairs.
Now, you know M and I carpool, right? But it just so happened that her car went down and so T had driven us to work that day. So T is waiting in the car with M when I get downstairs. He sees I can barely get the door open and asks if I'm okay.
These are my words: "Now don't freak out or anything..."
So now we're on the way to the ER.

I know, I know. They don't care. It doesn't embarass them. They've seen it all and worse. That's probably why they don't even both to shut the curtain when they do it. Whatever. It really was the least of my worries. Just kind of

That CAT scan is weird. They told me the dye they inject in the IV would make me feel like I was peeing my pants. And it did. I wonder if anybody ever pees their pants for real when they do that? Like, "OMG I peed my pants! Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound."
Okay, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. If you've read this whole thing, you deserve to know the ending.
I didn't have a heart attack. My chest pains were caused by pleurisy, which is a fluid buildup between the plueral lining and the lungs. Causes pain, shortness of breath, all that. Feels really effin bad, like a heart attack.

Now, I can breathe okay today, but I'm getting really tired over the most ridiculous things. Yesterday I finally felt like knitting again and spent 15 minutes looking for some yarn I bought last week. I had to take a nap afterward! WTF?
Anyway, I am taking this weekend off--no work in the store, no laundry, no cleaning--in the hopes that I can go back to work on Monday. Because you know, if there is one thing your friend Patwoman hates, it's having to use sick days for actually being sick.
Take the weekend easy! I always try to do to much, then feel worse :( Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks. That's always my problem, too. This time, however, I did nothing all weekend. And still, I'm not sure it wasn't too soon. I went back to work today. And OMG, I have never been so exhausted in all my life!
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