Friday (almost) FO
Anyway, a fantastic lady, Michelle passed away this week.(You remember Michelle from this post? And this one?) I am just so devastated by it. She was so full of life, I just can't believe she is never gonna laugh or quote Michael Scott from The Office to me again. So basically, I just really wanted to do something almost mindless. Or conversely, something that completely occupied my mind.
I did both. I worked like an obsessed person this week--not that I don't work hard all the time, but I really got a buttload of stuff done. And I didn't think about much of anything else.
And I knitted this necklace. It's relatively mindless knitting. Mostly it's a strip of stockingette with a YO every so often. Well, it's two strips like that. And then they're woven together and it makes this lovely braid. Olga suggests using a luxe yarn like silk or alpaca, since it's going at the neck. But, I definitely don't want anything hairy at my throat (Somewhere Michelle is saying "That's what she said!") because I don't want to be itchy all day. So I used some cotton.
I was thinking this would be really pretty with the addition of a pearl at the base of each YO. I might try that next time. Oh yeah, and I have to get some sort of bead or button for the clasp. But other than that, it's a FO, so I'm gonna call it 99%.
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