Not Knitting - Beadwork

Lemme 'splain. (No. It's too much. Let me summarize.)
My company has a series of recognition awards and one of them is the Stepping Up To The Plate Award. I got this award. The award was a very nice certificate that I hung in my office.
Unfortunately, I can't post a photo here because someone from work might see it and you know how companies get when you're talking about them online. It might get back to someone who can't take a joke and they'd be all like "Oh Patwoman, you can't talk about kinky sex with Adam West and your employment at our company all in the same blog post--although I totally just did--You are in big trouble, Missy."
And I would be, because I got in trouble not too long ago for cruising the local news channel at work, even though I still did a massive amount of work that day and it's not like I was shopping for shoes for hours like some people at my office have been known to do. But you know, I haven't owned the company in years, so I don't get to make the rules any more. Suffice it to say I find it monumentally offensive that our IT dept has the time to police my internet activities and yet every single time I call them for help with something so fucktardly simple, like installing the most recent update of Internet Explorer to my testing computers so I can have candidates test, I'm on hold for 20 minutes before I can get help?
Anyway, that's why you can't see the award, because you know how obsessive I am about not naming my company here just in case.
Where was I? Oh yeah, so the award was a very nice certificate, which I hung in my office, and a gift certificate to Michael's. And I bought these beads.
As I strung these beads, I thought about work and about how I could improve my work and more or less infused these beads with positive energy directed at my work. Hopefully, when I wear them I will feel the power of that positive energy, and every time I wear the Stepping Up Necklace, I will step up.
I'm very serious. That may sound like I'm being funny, but there is a lot of anecdotal evidence (in psychology, religion, philosophy, and physics) to suggest that focusing mental energy on some object or action will bring about a result.
Ha! We're Not Knitting today. We're gettin' down with our bad metaphysical selves!
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