What Do You Think This Means?
For the past several nights, I've had dreams of a post-apocalyptic world. And not the good kind.

In these dreams, whatever has happened is over (Oh. Hence the post-apocalyptic, I guess.) and it is a time of rebuilding. But there is terrible danger, still. In one dream, I was attacked by a squiddy thing that tried to burrow into my ribs. I could feel it wriggling its way in, even after I woke up.
That turned out to be Gabgab, by the way, sitting on my side and washing her face. For some reason, she feared losing her balance and plummeting the 4 inches to the soft bed, so she was digging her claws into my ribs.
In another dream, a person I was with was wounded and I was trying to find medical supplies to help him. And in another dream, I was building a long-term shelter and the most important feature had to be that it could not be easily detected by others. Last night I dreamed of exploring a flooded amusement park. (But I actually have that dream fairly often.)
These were not really nightmares (well, except for the squid trying to burrow into my insides) so much as they were just strange. Usually, my dreams are a little more straight forward. Running, pickles, towers, forgetting something, snakes, sausages, being lost, hot dogs, tunnels and trains, cigars... You know, normal stuff.

In these dreams, whatever has happened is over (Oh. Hence the post-apocalyptic, I guess.) and it is a time of rebuilding. But there is terrible danger, still. In one dream, I was attacked by a squiddy thing that tried to burrow into my ribs. I could feel it wriggling its way in, even after I woke up.
That turned out to be Gabgab, by the way, sitting on my side and washing her face. For some reason, she feared losing her balance and plummeting the 4 inches to the soft bed, so she was digging her claws into my ribs.

These were not really nightmares (well, except for the squid trying to burrow into my insides) so much as they were just strange. Usually, my dreams are a little more straight forward. Running, pickles, towers, forgetting something, snakes, sausages, being lost, hot dogs, tunnels and trains, cigars... You know, normal stuff.
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