You Can Love Your Robot, But Can You Love Your Robot?

Ah Robots. You know I love 'em. (In the traditional, platonic sense of the word.) But, you know, I've got nothing against someone loving their robot.
As long as it's consensual.
I was reading this article a few days ago. Basically, the author proposes that robots will have an increasingly important place in the social lives of some people: people will fall in love with, and marry robots.
Okay. Let's not get into a political thing here. But some people in this country are not even allowed to marry other people, so... I don't think the human/robot thing is going to happen any time soon.
The author also predicts that robot infidelity will lead to divorces. And okay. I've got to agree with that. I think if one person is more involved with a robot than their human partner that could lead to divorce. The same way a person who is more involved with work than their partner would. Or, the same way being involved with another person would.
Let's just not blame the robots, okay? They're going to have a tough enough time of it, as it is. Did no one see AI? They're going to have to fight for their rights to do anything.

I don't know exactly what that means. I mean, they are KillBots, right? So if they were not functioning the way they were supposed to be functioning, what were they doing? Knitting?
No, no, RoboKnitter! It's K4, P2, C4B, P2, K4, not K4, P2, C4F, P2, K4! Jeez! Where did you learn to knit? Ah, crap! We're gonna have to pull you out of Iraq if you can't cable a scarf any better than that!
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