I've Got The Guts To Experiment
Well, maybe not if you have chubby sausage-shaped fingers like me, but--you know--if you had normal fingers.
Anyway, I've had my eye on the black--which is called Zebra, btw, presumably because it has a white thread covering the black. (Which is pretty much the opposite of a zebra, in case you were wondering. Zebras actually have black stripes on a white body. But, you know, Martha didn't ask me when she named the yarn. So she will just have to deal with that embarrassment.)
Where was I? Oh yeah. I wanted to try this yarn, and I was at Michael's the other day and hey! All the colors except black were on sale for $2.49. So I got this pink thinking 1)It will be fun to wear with my pink Gamerz shirt and 2)Red heads aren't supposed to wear pink, so naturally I have to do it just so fashion knows it isn't the boss of me, damn it.
No guts, no glory.
That's right. I went there.
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