If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year Goals

Can it be that I've blown my New Year's Goals already? Good God, Lemon. It's only halfway through the first month.

1) Clean out my closet. Nope. Have not even started. I did think about it a few times, during my cold-medicine-induced sleepless nights. But, I also sometimes think about exercising, so...

2) Read a book a month. Nope. No concentration because of the cough medicine, remember? I barely concentrate long enough to read the dosage instructions on the bottle. BTW, if you're going to give the medicine in teaspoon dosage then you should include teaspoon markings on the little cup you send. I shouldn't have to go to the internet to figure out 2 teaspoons = 10 ml on your cup. I'm sick, remember?

3) Write 500 words a week. Again, I thought about it. I actually did think about a really scary story that I was really excited to write. But, you know, I was home alone and all hopped up on Codeine. I started to get a little scared myself.

4) Make healthy choices. Well, my healthy choice right now is to breathe without coughing. That would be nice. As far as diet, I've been eating basically a liquid diet all month. And exercise--hey, taking a shower wears me out these days.

As far as my crafty goals?

Finish UFOs. Nope.

Learn Viking Knitting. Nope.

Crochet more. Does using a crochet hook to pick up stitches and put them on the knitting needle count? If so, then, yeah.

Crochet with steel hooks. Nope.

Learn Hairpin Lace. Nope.

Wire wrap cabochans. Nope.

Learn arm knitting. Yeah! Yeah, I did that one! I didn't like the effect and ripped it out immediately, but yeah, I learned how to do it!

So, for the record, almost 3 weeks into 2014, my goals are 1 for 11. Nailed it!


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