Still Sick, But Productive At Least

But, damn it. I can't sleep because of this cough.
But now I can't sleep because of the jittery-hilarious-moodswinging-crash the medicine gives me. Funfunfun.
I started to read a book in the middle of the night about a girl with a matchmaking cat who saves the life of her undercover cop boyfriend. Maybe it's the cough medicine making it hard to follow, but when she got a call from Ellen DeGeneres to be on the show, I had to give up. That will probably not be the book a month I read for January.
I, of course, know better than to try and write anything while I'm tripping balls like this. Once I sobered up and read what I'd written, I'd probably be so ashamed of my ramblings that I'd just... What was I saying again?
Oh yeah. So I decided to dig through my yarn stash and find some Homespun (that I know is in there) so I can do a test knit for one of the designers in the Holiday group. And I can also organize a bit while I'm at it. Because that's what you want to do when you're whacked out--put things in a logical order.
I'm really glad I work from home, or can work from home, most days. I am not fit for human company right now.
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