If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

We All Know What Day This Is

This is the day the Patriots are embarrassingly defeated on national television!

Well, we can hope. (Eli! Avenge your brother!)

I read yet another story today about yet another accusation of cheating by the Cheaters Patriots. Sure, it's just an accusation and there's no proof (because we all know what Belichick does with that proof). But you know what Patwoman always says: If two people see it, it's not a mirage.

As I was cruising the internet, looking for some sports writer who would give me some hope that the Giants would crush the Patriots (sadly, I've not found any with that opinion, and it may just be blind hope on my part) I found this test: What Kind Of Patriots Hater Are You?

It's fairly accurate, though it really only deals with my Belichick-loathing and not the whole package. Here are my results:

Because he rails against the sanctities of something we hold far more sacred than our own lives: the NFL. Not only does he cheat, he'd cheat if you were right there watching him do it. While he was at it, he'd run up the score, send out Rodney Harrison to shank your favorite team's quarterback, and then key their bus...

So, yeah, your hatred of the Patriots is completely justified. Be proud. But the point's moot. You can hate as much as you want, your opinion certainly doesn't matter to him. Nor to the NFL, which is going to keep making insane money off his success. But you can still hope that somehow, some way, someone will dent the guy's ego...

Judgment: You are an Utterly Inconsequential Patriots Hater

And if you're a rational person, you're OK with that. Hatred, like a small wager, can make the game more interesting.

Go Giants!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a 'Charmingly Outdated Patriots Hater'...

I have no idea what that means.

7:25 PM  

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