If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Patwoman's Trip To The Sunshine (State) Part 2

Entertaining Yourself On The Road

It's a long trip from Indy to Orlando. And I must have some opossum DNA in my heritage because I seem to just fall asleep without warning. (Don't worry. T was driving.) So, you've got to have a plan to stay out of trouble keep yourself entertained.

Step One: Take lots of pictures on the way. I had the camera out because of this sign. Hilarious. You think they know people see this sign and laugh? You think people other than me laugh at this sign?

A little later, I snapped this picture. Jason Statham (The Transporter) in a black BMW.
Not really. I just thought he looked like him. The funny part is, after I took his picture, he seemed to get a little upset. We had passed him and he kinda sped up after us. Then, he gave me a really odd look as he passed. I just smiled and waved. Then, once he was in front, the passenger's head popped up from the seat.

I'll just let that sink in. Yeah.

So, once I stopped laughing, I started taking other people's pictures, just for the heck of it. Zoom up. Take a picture. Zoom away. Talk about interesting reactions. People get all weird. Why did that woman just take my picture?


Then I got aggressive with it. Like these drunk bitches. They were weaving all over the road. Jeez. It was, like 10 am. Who gets that drunk at 10 am? So I took a picture of their license plate. They seemed like college students to me, so if you're a mom and these are your daughters... They were very bad.

They didn't like me taking their picture, either. Here was their reaction. Of course, they were so drunk, they didn't take the flash off, so I guess they got a nice picture of the passenger side window of their own car.

There was a state police car parked in the median about a mile up the road. Don't worry. I don't think they were drunk driving long after that.

Step Two: Pay Attention. There are lots of things to look at along the way. I love the mountains. I love the red clay of Georgia and Tennessee. I love all those signs along the road. (Apparently, in certain parts of the country they have an affinity toward Asian Massage, especially if there is truck parking available. But, they must feel incredibly guilty about it, because there are an equal number of Avoid Hell: Repent signs.)

Pay attention to the others in the car, too. Being in a car for so long tends to make them a little punchy. You've not experienced comedy until you've deprived R of the internet for 12 hours.

Pay attention, also, to the camera. That little button on top is what takes the picture. If you don't watch out, you'll end up taking a dozen of these.

Step Three: Don't Rely Totally On Garmin. Garmin sometimes gets bored too and will lead you around in circles. It also lists Kentucky Paralegal Services under Fast Food in Louisville, KY.

Think about that one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was probably Spitzer in the BMW. I think he might have some free time to just drive around on his hands now.

8:36 PM  
Blogger ghilie said...

I just have to say that I love your blog. You sound like such a fun person to spend the day with.

8:26 PM  

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