What I Did On My Summer Vacation
Ok, so not technically a vaca because I didn't actually take time off from work (the way I will for GenCon). I just went on the weekend. But it really was a vaca since I got to do some fun things.
I went to MarCon in Columbus, OH. I hadn't ever been, but you know I go to GenCon every year and a friend recommended MarCon.
Oh, and Beastmaster was speaking there!
Oh yeah. That's what I'm talking about!
Let me tell you, I've been more or less joking about The Beastmaster up until now, since it made T so jealous that I got all giggly about meeting him last time. But now, I've got myself a little Beastmaster crush. For realz.
I went to a Q&A session with Marc Singer one day. I sat in the front row. It was really kind of an informal setting. He didn't get up and deliver a prepared speech, he just said "Hi, I'm Marc." And then people asked him questions.
He talked about working with animals, of course, and he very politely and politically declined several invitations to say anything detrimental about other actors' work.

Seriously, people. Pay attention. He already said he's not going to make any sort of negative comment about anyone else. So don't ask him 3, 4, 800 times!
Jeez. The guy had some patience, I'm tellin' ya. He also talked about (the first movie I ever saw him in, and one of his best, I think) If You Could See What I Hear. And he did the "hawk call," which is just great fun.
But here's what's really cool. Someone asked what work he would like to do that he hadn't yet had the opportunity to do. (Ok, that was me.) And he talked about wanting to do movies with meaning, with feeling--movies that depict a character making life-changing decisions and how he deals with that change in his life.
That really spoke to me. That's what I'm trying to do with my movies! That's why I'm totally crushing on Marc Singer right now.

And that's why I'm totally writing a script for you, Marc! Stay tuned!
I went to MarCon in Columbus, OH. I hadn't ever been, but you know I go to GenCon every year and a friend recommended MarCon.
Oh, and Beastmaster was speaking there!

Let me tell you, I've been more or less joking about The Beastmaster up until now, since it made T so jealous that I got all giggly about meeting him last time. But now, I've got myself a little Beastmaster crush. For realz.

He talked about working with animals, of course, and he very politely and politically declined several invitations to say anything detrimental about other actors' work.

Seriously, people. Pay attention. He already said he's not going to make any sort of negative comment about anyone else. So don't ask him 3, 4, 800 times!
Jeez. The guy had some patience, I'm tellin' ya. He also talked about (the first movie I ever saw him in, and one of his best, I think) If You Could See What I Hear. And he did the "hawk call," which is just great fun.
But here's what's really cool. Someone asked what work he would like to do that he hadn't yet had the opportunity to do. (Ok, that was me.) And he talked about wanting to do movies with meaning, with feeling--movies that depict a character making life-changing decisions and how he deals with that change in his life.
That really spoke to me. That's what I'm trying to do with my movies! That's why I'm totally crushing on Marc Singer right now.

And that's why I'm totally writing a script for you, Marc! Stay tuned!
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