More Christmas (Dare I Say?)

Here are a couple more projects… Urban Zen for Jon. (I like the paired twists done without a cable needle, don’t you?) This would have gone a lot quicker, if not for Achilles swiping my circular needle. Still have not found it, but I assume it will be chewed up when I find it (just like my #10 dpn bakelites). So I did replace it in order to continue working on this hat.
Oh, in case you are wondering, that IS Notpatwoman. Remember how long she was missing? Guess where she was? M had her trapped in the trunk of her car, wearing a red bobbed wig. M claims she doesn’t remember putting her there. How twisted is that? Anyway, now Notpatwoman has an irrational fear of red wigs and red cars. Nice going there, M. Scarred my notalterego for life.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah. Christmas.

I also made this scarf for my boss. It's Yarn Bee Beguile Ribbon in Nocturn carried along with some Moda Dea Dream in Black.
Here’s the Booze Hag liqueur. I made Amaretto (fabulous!) Coffee, and Raspberry. Keeping some of the amaretto for myself. We’ll see how everyone else likes them.

And this… This is something. It was what I got from the White Elephant gift exchange at work. It’s my colleague, Josh. At first I said, “I’m keeping this on my desk, dammit.” Then, I thought, “How much more fun would it be to put Josh on my blog?”

Stay tuned. I have this sneaky feeling some pretty weird things are going to happen to Josh.
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