Sick. Sick. Sick.
Okay. I feel a little better today. And there's no more puking. But that may only be because I've not eaten anything in two days. I find it both incredible and repulsive that I am actually very hungry.
But, I'm also very nauseous, so I'm steering clear of food for right now. There's nothing I want to taste so badly that I'd be wiling to taste it twice, if you know what I mean.
Instead, I'm working on my Tardis Mitten. And sleeping. I've slept more today than I've been up.
But I did get through the start of the charts and thumb gusset on this thing. Of course, they're probably all wrong because I'm not thinking very clearly. Ha! Ha!

Being sick is fun! (Not.)
But, I'm also very nauseous, so I'm steering clear of food for right now. There's nothing I want to taste so badly that I'd be wiling to taste it twice, if you know what I mean.
Instead, I'm working on my Tardis Mitten. And sleeping. I've slept more today than I've been up.
But I did get through the start of the charts and thumb gusset on this thing. Of course, they're probably all wrong because I'm not thinking very clearly. Ha! Ha!
Being sick is fun! (Not.)
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