Trip To The Hipster Market
I'm totally not a hipster. I don't do fads. This knitting thing? I was doing it before you were born, honey. Before there were Starbuck's to sit and draw attention to you and your two-socks-at-the-same-time shenanigans. But, lately, there have been a couple of different hipster grocery stores opening in the area. One happens to be pretty much right across the street from our store.
I decided to go check it out. There were some Grand Opening specials advertised that I thought I could make use of. Organic produce of all kinds, chicken breasts, and milk in a glass bottle. Yes. A glass bottle. You can't get any hipstery than that folks, unless you milk it directly from the cow yourself in the store.
Actually, there are a couple of degrees of hipsterism between glass bottle milk and self-service cow. In the dairy case, I found all the normal milks you see everywhere--Fat Free, Skim, .5%, 1%, 2%, Whole--plus, Organic Milk (I don't know what that is. Milk seems like it's already organic to me. Comes from a cow's organ, right?), and Raw Milk. I don't know what Raw Milk is, either. Unpasterized? That seems kind of gross and dangerous. Plus--and I immediately thought of both M and Bre, who are lactose intolerant--a whole case of Soy Milk, Almond Milk, Non-dairy Milk (WTF?), and Dairy Milk with no lactose. Bre (who is also not a hipster) would love this store, just for the non-dairy dairy case. And all the gluten free products.
I ended up buying more than I had planned--the boneless, skinless chicken breasts were very well trimmed and really plump. They had a tag on them that said No Hormones, but you know I don't care about that. I have so damn many hormones working on me now with this menopause that I don't think a couple more could possibly hurt me. I also loaded up on organic blueberries at 77 cents a pint, organic radishes and organic green onions at 3 bundles for a dollar, organic green peppers at 77 cents each, organic (Ha. Everything there is organic, get it?) cucumbers, limes, romaine lettuce, pineapple, and strawberries.
So when I got home, I was in the mood to cook. (That always happens when I go to the grocery store.) But, you know, I don't cook a whole lot these days. I always feel that, with just T and I, it's kind of pointless to cook a meal. However, I'm lately remembering that, before we had children, I used to cook all kinds of things for just the two of us. So I made this:
Teriyaki Chicken with peppers, sugar snap peas, carrots, and green onion, over rice. (This is white rice, btw. You can't get that at the hipster store.) It was a nice meal. And the food was very fresh and delicious. I definitely forsee many lovely salads and maybe some blueberry muffins in my future.
I decided to go check it out. There were some Grand Opening specials advertised that I thought I could make use of. Organic produce of all kinds, chicken breasts, and milk in a glass bottle. Yes. A glass bottle. You can't get any hipstery than that folks, unless you milk it directly from the cow yourself in the store.
I ended up buying more than I had planned--the boneless, skinless chicken breasts were very well trimmed and really plump. They had a tag on them that said No Hormones, but you know I don't care about that. I have so damn many hormones working on me now with this menopause that I don't think a couple more could possibly hurt me. I also loaded up on organic blueberries at 77 cents a pint, organic radishes and organic green onions at 3 bundles for a dollar, organic green peppers at 77 cents each, organic (Ha. Everything there is organic, get it?) cucumbers, limes, romaine lettuce, pineapple, and strawberries.
Teriyaki Chicken with peppers, sugar snap peas, carrots, and green onion, over rice. (This is white rice, btw. You can't get that at the hipster store.) It was a nice meal. And the food was very fresh and delicious. I definitely forsee many lovely salads and maybe some blueberry muffins in my future.
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