If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It Was On Sale!!!

So now we see that Pat is as good at a yarn diet as she is at at food diet. But really, this was not entirely my fault. Here's what happened...

It rained here yesterday evening. Thunderstormed. I mean, it monsooned. Other parts of the city, I'm told, got very little rain. Here, it came down so hard the windshield wipers couldn't keep up. It was like being in the car wash. Rain came down sideways for over an hour. Trees snapped. The shutters were blown off my house.

And the power went off.

I really hate being in the dark, so we went to Meijer for a while, until the power was back on at our house. And, while I was there, I noticed that not only had they expanded their yarn section since I'd been there last, but they were apparently now downsizing the department and most of the yarn had been clearanced!

The effect was similar to what happens when I'm confronted with a DQ Brownie Earthquake.

I came home with 10 skeins of LB Homespun (Don't get all yarn snobby on me, now. I love this stuff. It's so soft!)2 skeins of TLC Wiggles (which is kinda cool looking. Don't know what I will do with it yet, tho.)and some random fluffiness that I just liked because I like novelty yarn.

Anyway, I deserve some new yarn because I have been so good this week, not running stupid drivers off the road. Oh, and believe me, it's been a challenge.

Today I had 2 thoughts:

1) If everyone had their cell phone number on the back of their car instead of a license plate, then I could just call that stupid Guardian Of The Speed in front of me. (You know who I'm talking about. They trap you between the construction zones and oncoming traffic and then go really slow because they want to save you from the sin of driving 55 mph)

"Hey! Why the @#$%#$ are we going 10 mph under the speed limit? Can you please pull the #@#@$! over so I drive like a person who's not afraid of traveling faster than 10 mph?"

2) I need a snow plow. Strapped to my front bumper. That would let her know I don't appreciate it when she "taps the brakes."



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