Patwoman Sticks To Her Knitting
I mean that literally, not in the colloquial sense. I’m going to talk about actual knitting. (As shocking as that is!)
Anyway, it seems like I’ve done less knitting than usual this year. Or at least spent less time at it. It’s a sad but true fact that if you do more of one thing (like writing a game sourcebook) you will have less time to do other things (like knitting).
I keep trying to explain the math of it to my crazy doctor, but she’s not getting it. She tells me, “You know, Patwoman, you are not going to lose weight or lower your blood pressure until you start exercising and start getting more sleep.” She suggests I get up half an hour earlier so I will have time to exercise.
So which is it? Sleep more? Or get up early? I’m getting something like 5 ½ hours sleep a night anyway, not counting those new training calls at work. Where was I? Did I doze off? Oh yeah. Knitting. So, I’m really only knitting a few hours a week, as I watch TV. The combination of lack of sleep and multi-tasking has had some counter-productive and comical results, I have to admit. Like this scarf. Notice the direction of the diagonals.
They are all supposed to go the same way.

Oh, and I did knit another Beaded Necklace in black and red. This is LB Microspun in Black. Seriously, I recommend this pattern highly. Knit it.
Other than that, I have spent my knitting timefrogging,throwing yarn and needles across the room,cryingtrying to design a scarf that will become a Christmas present for M’s boy Eric.
Anyway, it seems like I’ve done less knitting than usual this year. Or at least spent less time at it. It’s a sad but true fact that if you do more of one thing (like writing a game sourcebook) you will have less time to do other things (like knitting).
I keep trying to explain the math of it to my crazy doctor, but she’s not getting it. She tells me, “You know, Patwoman, you are not going to lose weight or lower your blood pressure until you start exercising and start getting more sleep.” She suggests I get up half an hour earlier so I will have time to exercise.
They are all supposed to go the same way.

Oh, and I did knit another Beaded Necklace in black and red. This is LB Microspun in Black. Seriously, I recommend this pattern highly. Knit it.
Other than that, I have spent my knitting time
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