Thanksgiving Recap
Thanksgiving was a success here in the Patwoman household, despite the Forces Of The Universe aligning against me.

To start off with, the damn turkey was frozen again. I know! Every year I put a turkey in the fridge earlier and earlier and it fails to thaw in time. Oh well. That's why God invented the sinkful of water thawing method, right?
But then... My roasting pan was missing. Not just one of them. I actually have two. Both are just... gone. Nowhere in the house. WTF? How do two large roasting pans disappear from the house? I have still not found them.
Oh well. That's why Kroger is open on Thanksgiving day, right? Poor T had to run out and buy one of those disposable foil pans.
Other than that, the dinner went well. I did burn the holy bejeebers out of my arm (turns out, you can't touch your inner arm on the side of a pan you've just removed from the oven). That's why there's Neosporin, right?

But, everyone was here. The food was good. The table looked great. So what's a little pain?
I had new dishes this year. They are dark blue with a sort of peacock-y finish. And they're square. Yeah, see? I'm hip. I also bought new square gold chargers to go with them. Boom!

And look how creative I got with the centerpiece! And, by creative, I mean, Look how creative someone else was who posted this centerpiece to Pinterest so I could copy it for my table. It's a few cuttings from the bush outside my front door, some clear glass cubes, some red beads, and a tea light, floating in water.
Of course, I'm totally going to keep using the tea light on water centerpiece for other dinners, too. I'm thinking I can submerge all kinds of things in a vase and float a candle on top. Plants, stones, plastic sharks...
After everyone was gone, T and I watched a really sweet movie called Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World. You know I love both Steve Carell and Kiera Knightley, and this was just a really nice story. I recommend it. (There is one huge mistake in the science, near the end, but try to ignore that. It's still a good movie.)
I did not do any Black Friday shopping the next day, as I was working. But, Saturday, I did pop over to Michael's for their 7 - 10 pm sale. I bought a few things.
Oh, come on. It was 75% off. How could I not?

And I put up a few Christmas decorations. Achilles was curious about these giant hats I put on the dining room chairs.

And a little suspicious of the hat I bought for him to wear.

Christmas decorations will go up very gradually. And the tree will go up dead last. Achilles knows why.

To start off with, the damn turkey was frozen again. I know! Every year I put a turkey in the fridge earlier and earlier and it fails to thaw in time. Oh well. That's why God invented the sinkful of water thawing method, right?
But then... My roasting pan was missing. Not just one of them. I actually have two. Both are just... gone. Nowhere in the house. WTF? How do two large roasting pans disappear from the house? I have still not found them.
Oh well. That's why Kroger is open on Thanksgiving day, right? Poor T had to run out and buy one of those disposable foil pans.
Other than that, the dinner went well. I did burn the holy bejeebers out of my arm (turns out, you can't touch your inner arm on the side of a pan you've just removed from the oven). That's why there's Neosporin, right?
But, everyone was here. The food was good. The table looked great. So what's a little pain?
I had new dishes this year. They are dark blue with a sort of peacock-y finish. And they're square. Yeah, see? I'm hip. I also bought new square gold chargers to go with them. Boom!
And look how creative I got with the centerpiece! And, by creative, I mean, Look how creative someone else was who posted this centerpiece to Pinterest so I could copy it for my table. It's a few cuttings from the bush outside my front door, some clear glass cubes, some red beads, and a tea light, floating in water.
Of course, I'm totally going to keep using the tea light on water centerpiece for other dinners, too. I'm thinking I can submerge all kinds of things in a vase and float a candle on top. Plants, stones, plastic sharks...
After everyone was gone, T and I watched a really sweet movie called Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World. You know I love both Steve Carell and Kiera Knightley, and this was just a really nice story. I recommend it. (There is one huge mistake in the science, near the end, but try to ignore that. It's still a good movie.)
I did not do any Black Friday shopping the next day, as I was working. But, Saturday, I did pop over to Michael's for their 7 - 10 pm sale. I bought a few things.
Oh, come on. It was 75% off. How could I not?
And I put up a few Christmas decorations. Achilles was curious about these giant hats I put on the dining room chairs.
And a little suspicious of the hat I bought for him to wear.
Christmas decorations will go up very gradually. And the tree will go up dead last. Achilles knows why.

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