If you're not knitting, the terrorists win

(My mostly on-topic ramblings about knitting. And life in general. My life in specific.)

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Location: Indiana, United States

I'm a middle aged mother of 2 grown children and wife to a man who doesn't seem to mind my almost heroin-like yarn addiction. I spend my time writing, knitting, and generally stressing out.

Monday, March 27, 2006

A Day of FOs!!

Yes, because I am sick sick sick of listening to Kittyville bitch at me. "Oh when am I going to get some ears? When will I get pom pons?" Okay already! Enough with the Telltale Heart guilt trip!

I finished Kittyville tonight while watching Science Channel. (I am such a nerd. I'm watching Europe In The Middle Ages, Walking With Dinosaurs, and Cosmos.)

Kittyville. Well, I must say, that is one sexy hat. Ooooh yeah! I'm wearin' it now, just because it makes me feel like rowr-rowr!

No pix right now because I am on the slow-ass computer. I will load tomorrow into the faster one, if T will wean himself away from Civilization long enough to let me.

Ha! I just said that, in case he reads this post! He'll be like, "Hey!" Because really, I am the one with the serious Civ addiction and he always offers the fast computer to me first and then I say, "No, go ahead. I'm watching Walking With Dinosaurs anyway." Ha! Ha!

The other day, he told me about this program he was listening to on NPR, about vocabulary. (Or, for those of us born in Indiana...wordeology.) The word was rail, meaning, to playfully fight.

So, I'm railing at ya, baby! That's right. How you like me now?

Okay, so I finished Kittyville. And I finished Dayflower. It too, came out really nice. It really is a fast knit. I probably would have finished it over the course of two nights, but I'm such a frackin' slacker. I will definitely make another of those.

It came out so cute, actually, that I'm a little sorry I didn't make it with a nicer yarn. I used a light blue acrylic, and it does look great, don't get me wrong. But I was thinking, boy, this would look nice in something like a mohair blend. But the light blue was on hand, and I wanted to try out the pattern first, so it all works out.

Plus, I have quite a bit of this light blue left, so I decided to make the matching hat. Well, similar hat. Similar in that they are the same color and both are some form of lace. Actually, it's the Feather Lace Hat from December 6, 2006 of the Knitting Pattern A Day Calendar.

You know what? I don't really care that the lace isn't matching. I think it's a pretty cool hat and I would totally wear it with the scarf.

Anyway, I'm about a third of the way into that.

I have also finished the pattern for Fuzzy Sexy Lingerie and Fuzzy 2. I have lots of pix for that, showing you my entire process. What I'd like to do is create a second page on my blog so you could link to that pattern from the sidebar once that day's entry is no longer visible on the screen. Does anyone know how to do that?

See how I did that? I asked a question to see if anybody answered. That's how clever I am. It's my way of finding out if anyone is reading my blog, without me sounding incredibly desperate about it. Actually, I suppose what that will really tell me is if anyone is reading my blog who 1) knows how to add another page and 2) is willing to respond to me.

But please respond. I really want to know how to do this. I have a couple of patterns I'd like to post.

So, to recap: FOs (Kittyville, Dayflower, Fuzzy pattern, and a good start on Feather. Oh, and I also cranked out some wordage on a short story I've been working on. (My little break from the larger projects.) Oh, and I got a call about a job interview. (Though no word from the one I did on Thursday.)

Still, not too shabby of a day. (Except M forced me to listen to The Black Eyed Peas "Pump It" over and over again while she practiced her dance routine. That made me wonder 1)Is she able to recover from bronchitis so easily because she's young? and 2)What the hell is that song about anyway?)


Blogger Kim said...

Yes, someone reads your blog. ME! I don't have a clue as how to add another page, but I guess I could look around. LOL, tech and me not good friends. Hope M gets better soon.

2:44 AM  

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