
Think about it... Two Patwomans. (Patwomen?) What could be better than that? Besides the obvious three or four or infinity Patwomans, of course.
Anyway. Here it is, October again. And, although I've started on my Christmas Knitting--and completed a few things, mind you--I'm not exactly sure where I'm at in the timeline. I mean, I know what I've knitted and what I haven't knitted. But I'm struggling with "Hey, didn't I already buy the yarn for that? Where did I put it?" And "Hey, where's the pattern for this?" And "Do I only have one pair of #5 needles?"
I don't. I have about 3 million pairs. But they have all fallen into the same black hole, apparently, that all my socks have fallen into.
I'm thinking I need to set aside some time, gather all the patterns, yarn, and associated needles I need for each project and then put them together.
But that kinda sounds like a lot of work. If there were only two of me...
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