A Letter From AW

How I have missed you in the years that have separated us! I miss you the way the sun misses its fire when it goes out at night. I miss you the way the river misses the water once it's floated past. I miss you the way... I don't know. The way something that misses something else a whole lot.
Such great longing has produced a certain romantic creativity in me and I have begun to pen a film script that will fictionalize our epic romance. I call it "There Can Be Only One."
The film opens on me, a young warrior in the Scottish Highlands. My kinsmen and I are preparing for battle with a neighboring clan. During the battle, I'm slain by giant warrior who seems to single me out. But I don't die. I awaken, whole, and am banished from my village. Years later, in New York, I meet you--a policewoman who is also an expert on swordmaking. We fall in love and are forced to battle the giant warrior once again--this time, for the fate of the entire world.
The theme, of course, is how two people from opposite sides of the law can meet and fall in love and how that love transcends time.
I'm pitching this to Hollywood next week. Are you interested in playing opposite me in the female lead? I can see many late-night rehearsals in our future.
With love that transcends time,
Sweet Adam,
Of course I would be interested in this movie. Only, I would like to move this to the 21st Century. I would be an adventuresome young Scottish lass. I meet you, a time-travelling alien from a dead civilization, and we have outrageous adventures through time and space. Instead of a sword, you could carry some other tool... something that would be capable of doing almost any job, and yet easily concealed in a pocket. Something like a wrench... or a screwdriver.
What do you think of that?
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