So I lived through the Christmas knitting.
Barely. Seriously, I was knitting on Christmas Eve. WTF is wrong with me? It's not like Christmas comes on a different day every year. It's not like I didn't have a whole year to get everything done.
I blame work. And everything else in my practical life. Grocery shopping, laundry, dishes, sleep...
Those are the things that keep me from getting my knitting done.
Yeah. I'm going to go with that.
Anyway, the gifts were actually well received. I thought they would be, but I always get that fear the closer it gets to December 25... you know, the "Am I the crazy old lady that give people the hideous knitted items they laugh about behind her back?" (
OMFG! Look at this shiteous sweater vest! What was she thinking?)
Still, all the gifts were custom knit for the recipients. So everyone got something completely special.

This is the hat I made for T. It's a
Viking Hat. I made some alterations, like knitting the band at the bottom in silver to make it look like a metallic band. Oh, and I made it a bit larger than the pattern called for because of, well, T's large head.
He loved it. He wore it all Christmas day and attributed his success in the Christmas MTG EDH game to it. It's so great because every time I'd look at him, he'd be concentrating.
And wearing this ridiculous hat! Ha! 
He wore it to work tonight, too, which is cool because we own a game store and Monday is always a big D&D night. D&D players, I'm sure, can appreciate a good knitted Viking Hat.

I also tried to make some type of paper craft for everyone this year. M, who is the youngest crazy old cat lady in existence, loved her
12 Months of Achilles 2011 Calendar I made. I downloaded some of the thousands of photos she's taken of this cat and put them together in my own version of a LOLCat calendar, using only pix of Achilles.
Each special day--holidays, family birthdays, etc.--are marked by a picture of Achilles with that person. (And, for example, St. Patrick's Day has a picture of me pinching Achilles.) I also created about 85 different Achilles-photo stickers to help her customize the calendar even further.
The really crazy thing about all my projects is, I forgot to take pictures beforehand, so now I have to go back and say, "Uh, hey. Can I take a picture of that for my blog?"
Admit it. It's the way I always plan ahead that you love, isn't it?